UNLOCK Staked on Platform


Total xUNLOCK on Platform


UNLOCK in Wallet


Estimated Staking APY




Current xUNLOCK


UNLOCK to Unstake


Claimable UNLOCK



Your History

Date Amount Staking Period Remaining Time TX
Date Amount Staking Period Remaining Time TX
13.05.2022 12:43 1,000.00 UNLOCK2222 1 week 2 days 0x4501s411...3113
12.05.2022 12:43 1,000.00 UNLOCK 1 month 2 days 0x4501s411...3113
12.05.2022 12:43 1,000.00 UNLOCK 4 years 3 years 345 days 0x4501s411...3113
12.05.2022 12:43 1,000.00 UNLOCK 1 week 2 days 0x4501s411...3113
12.05.2022 12:43 1,000.00 UNLOCK 1 week 2 days 0x4501s411...3113


xUNLOCK is a yield and governance token based off of Curve's veCRV mechanism and part of the 200 Keys ecosystem.

• Holders of xUNLOCK proportionally receive 3500 daily UNLOCK emissions as outlined in the Tokenomics Paper.

• For governance proposals within the DAO, one xUNLOCK token equals one vote. Note that while xUNLOCK is used for DAO voting, keychains are still used for voting within the Forge.

• xUNLOCK tokens are not transferrable and there is no liquid market for them. They exist as an accounting method to track and encourage the locking of the UNLOCK token.

xUNLOCK is given to users that that stake UNLOCK. The more UNLOCK you stake and the longer the duration the more xUNLOCK you get. You receive 1 xUNLOCK for every UNLOCK staked for a year. If you stake 1 UNLOCK for four years you receive 4 xUNLOCK.

To encourage continual staking, the amount of xUNLOCK decays linearly over the life of the stake - resulting in zero xUNLOCK at the end of the staking period. Details and examples can be found in the 200 Keys Tokenomics Paper.

UNLOCK tokens are automatically distributed to 200 Keys holders at a rate determined by the DAO.

You can also buy them directly from the Uniswap market.

Select Stake UNLOCK on the main page and then select the amount of UNLOCK you would like to stake and the duration. Then press the Stake UNLOCK button.

If this is your first stake, Metamask will open and you'll need to approve your UNLOCK being used by the Staking page (so it can be staked).

MetaMask will then show you the approval page for the staking transaction.

Note: You can customize the amount staked and duration to any value by typing it in. The maximum staking duration is 4 years (208 weeks).

Yes, you can stake multiple times and all of your active stakes will contribute to your xUNLOCK total and your rewards and governance voting power.

Select Unstake UNLOCK. This will open your MetaMask and you will be prompted to approve the transaction. Once the transaction is approved and confirmed, you will receive the UNLOCK.

Note: the staking period will need to have fully elapsed before you can unstake the UNLOCK.

Select Claim Rewards. This will open your MetaMask and you will be prompted to approve the transaction. The UNLOCK will be deposited into your wallet as soon as the transaction is confirmed.

Note: daily rewards are only claimable after the end of each staking day (approximately 00:00 UTC). So after your initial stake, your first claimable rewards will come at the end of the staking day (possibly after up to 24 hours).

Review the number underneath UNLOCK Staked on Platform

Review the number underneath Current xUNLOCK (which shows how much xUNLOCK you currently have). This will display the amount of xUNLOCK you have and your percentage of the total.