The Forge

The Forge lies at the creative center of 200 Keys.

Within it Keyholders, Lore Creators and Artists collaborate to create new NFT collections.

Both Lore Creators and Artists receive payment for their work (paid from the Community Reserve).

The first collection being created by the Forge is well underway: Key Mansion.


Lore encompasses the backstory, mythos and traits of the new collection.

Every keychain held grants one vote in selecting Lore Creators, Artists and approving submitted artwork.

Lore Creators are paid with MATIC (on Polygon) from the Community Reserve. They are paid $500 worth of MATIC as soon as they are voted as the winner (no further approval is necessary as their work has been completed).

Once the set is created they receive 2% of the minting fee (paid in UNLOCK).

Artists are paid with MATIC (on Polygon) from the Community Reserve. They are paid $1000 (in MATIC on Polygon) for every 20% of the work that they complete.

Once the set is created they receive 9% of the minting fee (paid in UNLOCK).

▹ 64% is burnt
▹ 15% to the Community Reserve
▹ 10% to 200 Keys
▹ 9% to the Artist that visualized the Lore
▹ 2% to the Lore Creator

By using your keychain for a Guaranteed Trait Mint you mint at half price.

There are 200 traits in sets created by the Forge and 200 possible keys on the keychains. Every key unlocks one specific trait in the new set.

When keychains are used to mint NFTs they do so at a 50% discount and guarantee that the corresponding traits show up in the newly minted NFTs.

NFTs created by the Forge initially reveal at an announced date and then reveal instantly it the set continues minting.

When you mint random NFTs in forged sets (without using Guaranteed Trait minting) Mint Vision lets you see a number of revealed random NFTs from which you then choose one to mint.

You gain Mint Vision by burning some amount of UNLOCK tokens. The number of revealed NFTs you see is dependent on how many tokens you've burned compared to other users.